Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24

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Some Statements About Yogasan

Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023-it is mentioned in Gherenda Samhita about Yogasana-Devadidev mentions 84 lakh Ashana is best in 32 ashan ancient times, sages, etc. used to do this asana to keep themselves healthy. swami Shivanand has said-“Man can rule his inner and external and transmute himself into Divinity.

Many great yogis have reached this high stage of spiritual development through the practice of yoga.

What Is Yoga

Maharshi Patgul says ” Asana is the position of being steady, joyful, that is happy. while sitting on the seat(yogasan) or yogasan is a body poster, originally and still a general term for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in hatha yoga and modern yoga and exercise.

Rules Of Yoga Practice 2023,24:

  • Yogasana A person who practices it for a long time cannot be attacked by any disease suddenly. other than meditation, 4|5 minutes is enough for a householder. Dhyanasanas are not harmful to the body even if they are practiced for a long time, but they are beneficial.
  • Women should not do any yogasan exercises for 4|5 of their menstrual periods.
  • All men and women take jinni lob on this day of the week.
  • pregnant women should only practice yoga meditations after three months of pregnancy. Yoga should be practiced after three months after delivery.
  • If a person has sleep disorders, he should practice GO-Mukhasana before going to bed. you will surely benefit from doing so.
  • students should not do more than 5|6 asanas initially. then increase the number of seats according to the benefits.
  • yoga should not be done on an empty stomach except in the morning.
  • It is forbidden to perform any asana other than vajrasana after the full Ahab. fill do other asanas only 3|4 hours after eating.
  • Keep your breathing normal while doing the asana. breath harm is inevitable if you stop breathing.
  • Men should wear shirts, trousers, and soft half pants while doing asanas. women should wear Western bathing suits.
  • Exercise empty-handed for a while before doing yoga to bring warmth to your body.
  • Adolescents and teenagers under the age of 14 are prohibited from performing health asanas.
  • It is forbidden to do the peacock seat immediately after the head seat.
  • There are no fixed rules for yoga, but it should be done regularly.
  • The asanas should be done on a blanket or soft mattress. it is better to do yoga freely on the ground.
  • Yogasana should be done for less time in the right position. the time should be increased as you get older.
  • Do not distort your face in any seat. facial expression is normal they should be kept seated.
  • Asana should be done only after defecation. if air accumulates in the stomach, do Pavan Muktasana before defecating in bed.
  • If you have constipation, you should do Arthachandrasana before going to bed.
  • yoga is practiced by men or women aged 5 to 80 years you can do it.
  • one asana should be followed by another asana.
  • blood pressure is too high, except for breathing exercises other asanas are prohibited.
  • it is forbidden to do Sarvangasana in case of chronic nasal disease.
  • it is forbidden to do Paschimottasana(touching the knees with the head)in case of constipation.
  • Bhujanasana, faring-asana, DHana-asana, and Paschimottasana are forbidden for the enlargement of the spleen or liver.
  • Shirasasana for ear diseases, blindness, high blood pressure, or weak heart. it is prohibited to do so

Dhyanasana And Swasthasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24

Asanas can be divided into two categories. Asanas that can be held for a long time can be classified as Dhyanasana and asanas that can be held for a short time can be classified as Swasthasana. Dhyanasas can be practiced by all people. however, postures are rarely practiced by homeowners.

Dhyanasana and Swasthasana,

should be positioned. Dhyanasana should be practiced in the morning and Swasthasana in the evening. only a few of the health postures should be held for a maximum of 4\5 minutes, otherwise, the harm outweighs the benefit. Dhyanasanas are not harmful even if they are not exceptional in obtaining the desired results.

1 Free Padmasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


First place the right foot on the thigh of the left foot as shown in the figure. then place the sole of the left foot on the thigh of the right foot. place your hands on your knees as shown in the figure and look forward. practice this asana daily for 10\15 minutes

Free Padmasana,


this asana connects the mind, increases digestion, increases thirst, and strengthens the spine.

2 Bandha Padmasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Sit in the open lotus position. then hold the big toe to the left foot with the left hand and the big toe of the right foot with the right hand with both hands on the back as shown in the figure. the head should be lowered the stick should be placed on the chest and the eyes should be closed this asana should be done daily for 1 minute.

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regular practice of this asana cures arthritis. it increases digestion, increases thirst, relaxes nerves, strengthens the spine, strengthens the hips, and helps to strengthen the shoulder bones.

3 The Raised Lotus Asana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


First, sit in the open lotus position. now place your hands on either side as shown in the figure. breathe in and lift your body on your hands as much as possible, breathing in this normal position as much as possible. exhale again and return to the previous position. this asana should be held for 30 seconds each time.

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The Raised lotus seat


Regular practice of this asana reduces excess abdominal fat. the muscles of the abdomen, shoulders, and arms become stronger and more efficient. this asana helps in obtaining all the fruits of padmasana.

4 The Half-Closed Lotuse Asana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Sit down first with your feet forward. now place the left foot on top of the right foot as shown in the figure. touch the heel to the lower abdomen move the left hand towards the back and hold the thumb. hold the big toe of the right foot with the right hand and lower the head of the right foot to touch the knees. hold this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute daily by changing the position of the arms and legs.

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This asana is done regularly to remove bladder defects. it is used to treat diabetes and reduce excess abdominal fat.

5 The Cock-Asana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


sit in the padmasana position, insert your hands through the gaps between your legs as shown in the figure rest on your hands, and lift your body up and forward. this asana should be done for 1\2 minute.

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Regular practice of this asana improves the digestive system. sleep disorders are relieved, the stems of the hands are strengthened and the shoulder muscles are strengthened.

6 Sukhasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


first, sit down in general. now bring the left leg closer and place it on the penis. similarly, bring the right foot and touch it under the banana flower as shown in the figure. similarly, sit with the ankle of the right foot touched by the toes of the left foot. place your hands on your knees and look forward with your spine straight as shown in the figure. hold this posture for as long as possible.

Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,


Regular practice of this asana straightens the spine, relieves arthritis pain, improves digestion, and gets all the benefits of padmasana you can.

7 Siddhasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


First, sit with your feet forward and slowly bend the left leg on the knee and place the ankle of the left foot under the penis. then bend the right leg and place it with pressure on the penis. the hands should also be positioned as shown in the figure, the spine should be straight and the gaze should be directed forward. this asana should be done for as long as possible. Siddhasana is said to be the best of all asana.

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This asana can be used for a long time to meditate, chant, etc the sahes could perform austerities and chanting for thousands of years while sitting in this seat.

8 Bhadrasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Sit as shown in the figure, touch the soles of both feet, straighten your spine, and place your hands on your knees you should look straight ahead if you can. do this asana for 1\2 minute daily with normal breathing.



Relieves sleep disorders, relieves pain during childbirth in women, helps in male sperm retention, and increases appetite.

9 Supta Bhadrasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Lie down with your face up join the soles of both feet shown in the figure and press them to your chest with both hands. hold this posture for 1 minute with normal breathing.

image 2


Pile pain is relieved, and sleep disorders are eliminated. gynecological diseases. (prolapse of the uterus or prolapse of the rectum) are relieved.

10 Tulaasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


First, sit in the lotus position with the palms facing up and lie down on both sides of your body. now position the feel in the padmasana pose as shown in the figure, breathe in, and raise the feet and head. sit in this asana with your hands and waist resting and your breathing normal. this asana should be done 4 times daily for 15\30 seconds.



Various stomach diseases are relieved and spleen function is improved. women practice this asana three months after delivery to relieve labor pains.


women who have weak hearts, or abdominal surgery, women are forbidden to do this asana during pregnancy and up to three months after delivery.

11 Fishing Asana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


sit in the padmasana position, hold the ankles of both feet as shown in the figure, slowly lie back, and inflate the chest as much as possible. this asana should be done 4 times for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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Regular practice of this asana can achieve all the benefits of padmasana. it is used to remove contaminated air from the stomach and relieve back pain.

12 Vajrasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Sit with your feet back as shown in the figure, your spine straight with all your body weight on your ankles and your hands on your chest and looking forward. hold this posture for 1\5 minutes with normal breathing.

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Regular practice of this asana makes the lower part of the body as hard as a garment. there are many ways to get rid of hair loss in old age. there are many ways to get rid of hair loss in old age.

13 Sleeping Vajrasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Sit in the Antrasana posture, lie back with your elbows resting, and place your head between your hands as shown in the figure. this asana should be held for 30 seconds to a minute with normal breathing.

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Regular positioning in this asana relieves back pain and exercises the stools and intestines, i.e. cleanses the stomach.

14 Treeasana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Stand normally with both feet and one leg (leg or left) should be raised upwards, touched at the cavity, placed on the thighs, and the hands should be placed forward on the chest and the gaze should be directed forward in the posture of namaskar. hold for 30 seconds with normal breathing by changing legs.

image 4


Helps maintain body balance, waist, and leg strength increases, and relieves pain in the anus.

15 Banyan Tree Asana Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


Stand as shown in the figure, bend your right leg, place your hands on your left leg and right leg, place your hands in a namaskar pose, straighten your spine, and look forward. hold for 1\5 minutes 4\5 times daily with normal breathing.

banyan tree asana,


Increased strength in the spine, waist, anus, etc, and get all the benefits of vrikshasana, help to maintain the balance of the body, relieves pain in the anus.

16 Gomukhasan Yoga Poses For Beginner 2023,24


By crossing the left leg over the right leg as shown in the figure feed the carepa with your fingers straighten your spine and look forward. this asana should be done daily for 2\3 minutes by changing the arms and legs while keeping the breathing normal.

image 5


Reduce back pain. the sense of work is removed. the pain of piles is relieved. the hands become stronger, the digestive system becomes stronger and the pain in other organs is also relieved.


In conclusion, the practice of yoga poses for beginners in 2023 offers a myriad of physical, mental, and emotional benefits for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. As we’ve explored in this discussion, yoga provides an accessible and adaptable pathway to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and overall well-being.

In this modern age, where stress and sedentary lifestyles have become prevalent, yoga serves as a powerful tool to combat these challenges. Through its gentle yet effective poses, yoga not only enhances physical health but also promotes mental clarity, stress reduction, and emotional equilibrium.

Moreover, the beauty of yoga lies in its inclusivity, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their fitness level or age. The plethora of resources available in 2023, including online tutorials, classes, and mobile applications, makes it easier than ever for beginners to embark on their yoga journey.

As we move forward into 2023 and beyond, embracing yoga poses for beginners is not only a means of promoting personal health and well-being but also a way to foster a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. It is a holistic approach to living a balanced and harmonious life, and its benefits are boundless.

In conclusion, whether you are just starting or continuing your journey into the world of yoga, the path of beginner yoga poses in 2023 is one that offers physical vitality, mental serenity, and spiritual growth. Embrace this practice, be patient with yourself, and discover the transformative power of yoga in your life. Namaste.


Certainly, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Yoga Poses for Beginners in 2023:

1. What is yoga, and why is it beneficial for beginners in 2023?

  • Yoga is a centuries-old practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote overall health and well-being. It’s particularly beneficial for beginners in 2023 because it helps improve flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity, which are crucial in today’s fast-paced world.

2. Can anyone, regardless of age and fitness level, start practicing yoga in 2023?

  • Yes, absolutely! Yoga is inclusive and can be adapted to suit people of all ages and fitness levels. There are various beginner-friendly poses and modifications available, making it accessible to everyone.

3. How can I get started with yoga as a beginner in 2023?

  • You can start by researching local yoga studios, attending beginner classes, or using online resources like instructional videos and apps. It’s essential to begin with basic poses and gradually progress to more advanced ones as you build strength and confidence.

4. What are some essential yoga poses for beginners in 2023?

  • Some fundamental yoga poses for beginners include Child’s Pose (Balasana), Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Mountain Pose (Tadasana), and Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana). These poses help build a strong foundation and improve flexibility.

5. Do I need special equipment or clothing to start practicing yoga in 2023?

  • You don’t need much to begin practicing yoga. Comfortable clothing that allows for movement is ideal. A yoga mat can provide cushioning and stability, but it’s not strictly necessary. Some props like blocks and straps can be useful for certain poses, but they are optional.

6. How often should I practice yoga as a beginner in 2023 to see results?

  • Consistency is key. Starting with a few sessions per week is a good goal for beginners. Over time, you can increase the frequency of your practice as you become more comfortable with the poses and experience the benefits.

7. Can yoga help with stress and anxiety in 2023?

  • Yes, yoga is known for its stress-reduction benefits. Through controlled breathing and mindful movement, yoga can help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.

8. Are there any health precautions I should be aware of as a beginner in 2023?

  • If you have any medical conditions or injuries, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting yoga. Additionally, inform your yoga instructor about any specific concerns or limitations so they can provide appropriate modifications.

9. Is yoga only about physical poses, or does it include meditation and mindfulness too?

  • Yoga encompasses physical poses (asanas), but it also includes meditation (dhyana) and mindfulness (dharana). These components work together to create a holistic practice that promotes both physical and mental well-being.

10. How long does it take to become proficient in yoga as a beginner in 2023?

  • There’s no fixed timeline for proficiency in yoga—it varies from person to person. With regular practice and dedication, beginners can start feeling the benefits within a few weeks, but the journey of self-discovery and improvement continues over a lifetime.

Remember that yoga is a personal journey, and there are no judgments or expectations. Embrace it at your own pace and enjoy the positive changes it can bring to your life in 2023 and beyond.

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